Friday, April 11, 2008

Money Will Come To You When You Know Its Rule

The wisdom thing when interacting with something is to know its rule. And also when we want a great amount of money, we should
absolutely know the money rule, and here I give to you the rule how to get great amount of money.
1. Money flows from Money Resource. It means that who hold much money. THE MEN. No other creature hold the money. But MEN.
So, we should contact people who have much money. And consequently you will have a cash flow fron a role.
2. There is money in Money Transaction. If we always involve with money matter, we will have money in ower pocket. Just touch money in your hand
in any transaction will bring you to have money.
3. Be Money Partner. I mean that you should do service that make people money flow to your box. Money Partner means that money need
your service. People will give you money.

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